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PowerShell Drive Map with Volume Label

Published: at 07:22 PM

I performed troubleshooting today and created the PowerShell script below to map two drives and label the volumes. By default, the label was the share name of the folder. I needed to change it to something more user-friendly.

Here is the script-

$Net = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Network   
$Rename = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application   
\#### # Map the network drives   
$Net.MapNetworkDrive("Q:", '\\\\hostname\\shared\_data01')   
$Net.MapNetworkDrive("R:", '\\\\hostname\\share\_data02')  
\#### # Rename everything   
$rename.NameSpace("Q:\\").Self.Name = 'Network -> Share Data01'   
$rename.NameSpace("R:\\").Self.Name = 'Network -> Share Data02'